Summary about 'The Effective Executive'
In the book The Effective Executive, Peter F. Drucker guides on how to be executive self-management, so that we could "get the right things done" .
to effect - get the right things done
一开始不着手工作, 往往从时间安排上着手
- 定期地了解自己的时间怎么消耗
- 处理工作当时就加以记录
- 连续三四个星期为一个时段记录
- 将非生产性的和浪费时间的活动找出来
- 专注于对重要的事, 自己希望做的事, 已经承诺的事
- 是否有助于成果 - ”如果不做, 会有什么后果?“
- 审读对于组织,对他本人,或对于对方的组织有无贡献
- 是否可由别人代为参加而不影响成果
- 组织越大, 用于维系组织运行, 而非用于发挥组织功能及生产的时间也一定越多
- 很多例行工作
- 集中一段真正属于自己的时间
- 给一些重要活动定下必须完成的期限
What can I contribute?
注重贡献, 注意对成果负责, 并将自己的工作与长远目标结合起来
- 重视贡献才能使管理者注意力不为本身的专长, 所属部门所限, 才能看到整体绩效, 同时更重视外部世界
- direct results - 生存需要
- value commitment and reaffirmation - 组织自己的主张和想法 - 维生素和矿物质
- renew its human capital
适应新职位而变, 适应不同价值观承诺而变
- 肩负贡献的责任
- 有责任让别人了解自己,进而使自己的工作有成效
- 应该了解别人的需要,方向,理解, 以使别人能够应用他的成果
ask other people, the superiors, the subordinates, the colleagues
- "what contribution from me do you require to make your contribution to the organziation?"
- "when do you need this, how do you need it, and in what form?"
realte his narrow area to a genuine whole
- learn enough of the needs, the directions, the limitations, and the perceptions of others to enable them to use his own work
The right human relations - 建立在 “贡献”的基础上
communications - contribution in the own work
- "what should we expect of you?"
- "what is the best utilization of your knowledge and your ability?"
- the superior has both the right and the responsibility to judge the validity of the proposed contribution
- the more capable they are, the more willing to take responsibility
- "Who has to use my output for it to become effective?"
inside - resonsible for their own competence and for the standards of the work
outside - belonging to a functional specialty - task-focused
- act as responsible members of a team with people with differ knowledge areas
- orgainzed around the specific task on hand
- “What is the most important contribution I can make to the performance?”
- "what knowledge and skill do I have to acquire to make it"
- "What Strengths do I have to put to work"
- "What standards do I have to set myself?"
stimulate others to develop themselves
- he sets standard which are not personal but grounded in the requirements of the task
- he demands a good deal of himself
- 会前 想清楚会议的目的和要求达成的贡献
- 让会议围绕主题
- 用人是来做事, 而不是投人所好
以一个人能做些什么为基础, 如何发挥人的长处
管理者首要的任务在于 因事用人
职位涵盖要广 且具有挑战性
- 对有才干的人的挑战
- 可以把与任务有关的优势转化为确实的成果
- 能使新人有发展机会
- 该职位能够衡量他自己, 也应使他能衡量他组织
- 正直和诚实
Manage your Boss
- focus on the strengths of the boss and on what he can do
- enable boss to do what he can do
- "what can my boss do really well?"
- "what does he need to know to use his strength?"
- "what does he need to get from me to perform?"
- know the boss has his own ways of being effective
- either "readers" or "listeners"
Make yourself effective
- start out with the question "what can I do"
- 了解自己的类型, 配合自己的习惯而行动
- 顺应自己的个性特点,不勉强自己
- 注意的事自己的绩效,自己的成果,从而发展自己的工作方式
- 了解自己的性情
- 了解自己能做些什么为基础,然后以最适合自己的方式做下去
- 认识我们的下属, 观察上司, 多问“此人能做些什么”
要事优先 - first things first
- 摆脱已经不再有价值的过去
- 经常检讨过时和无效的计划
- 重视机会, 不能只看到困难
- 选择自己的方向, 而不盲从
- 目标要高, 有新意, 不能只求安全和方便
- 真正的成就,属于善于抓住机会选定课题的人
- 成功的事业, 以开发新技术或开发新事业为宗旨
Effective Decisions
think the specifications
encourage opinions
explore the alternatives
start out with the commitment to find out why people disagree
- concerned first with understanding
- conflicting views, the dialogure between diff view, the choice between diff judgments
develop disagreement and perhaps gain some understanding of what the decision is all about
- the right decision demands adequate disagreement
- disagreement alone can provide alternatives to a decision
- disagreement is needed to stimulate the imagination -> a new and diff way of perceiving and understanding
use conflict of opinion as his tool to make sure all major aspects of an important matter are looked at carefully
weigh the risks and gains
- "Is a decision really necessary?"
- act if benefits greatly outweigh cost and risk
- act or do not act; but not half-action
a decision requires courage as much as it requires judgment
- "Is there any reason to believe that additional study will produce any new "
- will not rush into a decision unless he is sure he understands it
Executives are not paid for doing things they like to do
- they are paied for getting the right things done