
Some of my Slides!

Mental Health for Every Mind

Factoid Question Answering (QA)

An introduction and the related experiments on Natural Legal Language Processing

My slide on Japan in views of culture at HKU SPACE

Some of my slides on Artificial Intelligence and its applications in Language & Speech at HSUHK

Text simplification

Our paper "A Customizable Editor for Text Simplification" has been accepted for publication at COLING 2016 on Computational Linguistics, Osaka,Japan.

Privacy-preserving Similar Search

Nearest Neighbour search refers to finding objects (i.e. face in biometric) that have similar characteristics to the query object .

Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol (P2PSIP)

The P2PSIP presents a P2PSIP system and Distributed Hash tables (DHTs) algorithms, which are used to organize the P2PSIP overlay.

P2PSIP is a new technology currently being standardized in the P2PSIP working group of the IETF. A P2PSIP network is consisted of a collection of nodes organized in a peer-to-peer fashion for the purpose of enabling real-time communication using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).

Online learning

The Online learning summary presents an overview about the latest progress in terms of online student behavior and skills, online assessment, course materials and online forums, based on NIPS Workshop on Data Driven Education,2013.

Online learning is bringing about dramatic changes in higher education, and a number of successful large­scale Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) platforms such as edX, Coursera, and Udacity have been developed. This revolution raises a series of challenges and possibilities in technology and education fields.

An Instruction about incremental 3D reconstruction using Bayesian learning

The essay mainly presents an algorithm for 3D reconstruction.

The method first reconstructs an initial 3D model by selecting uniformly distributed key images using a view sphere. Then when a new image is added, its correlated reconstructed patches are searched and incrementally update the result model by optimizing the geometric and photometric terms. This can be applied for large-scale datasets or to real-time reconstruction.

Finding Better Experts

This report focuses on the problem of finding better experts in micro-blogging services (like Sina weibo/twitter).

Now micro-blogging has been one of the most popular platforms where users can describe their current status in short posts. Micro-blogging uses a model called “following”, in which users can choose who he/she wants to follow without the latter to give the permission first.

This report is based on the existence of homophily to measure the influence of users in micro-blogging. The algorithm TwitterRank is used because it takes the topical similarity between users and the link structure into account.
