Sort Algorithms: Priority Queues

Priority Queues is a data type to find the largest M items in a stream of N items (Constrict: Not enough memory to store N items).

Why Algorithms ?


Priority Queues is a data type to find the largest M items in a stream of N items (Constrict: Not enough memory to store N items).

priority-queue implementation based on the binary heap

Using priority queues is similar to using queues and stacks but implementing them efficiently is more challenging. We consider a classic priority-queue implementation based on the binary heap data structure, where items are kept in an array, subject to certain ordering constraints that allow for efficient (log-time) implementations of remove the maximum and insert.

We use array representation of a heap-ordered complete binary tree. Because array implementation does not waste any space on the usual pointers you have in a tree to traverse between parents and children. The reason is that we're able to keep this binary tree as balanced as possible, we don't need pointers to figure out the parents and children. we can just read that off directly from the position in the array.

binary heap

The binary heap is that parent's key no smaller than children's key, that's (k is the index),

set a[k] to a[k/2] when we move up the tree

set a[k] to a[2*k] or a[2*k+1] when move down the tree

We can take advantage of the capability to move up and down paths in the tree without pointers and have guaranteed logarithmic performance because the height of a complete binary tree of size N is lgN.

The basic algorithm swim (bottom-up reheapify) moves up the heap until we reach a node with a larger key, or the root.

The function swim(int k) with Java

//the parent of the node at position k in a heap is at position k/2
private void swim(int k){
    while(k > 1 && less(k/2, k)){  //the node's key larger than parent's key
        exch(k/2, k);              //exchange the node with its parent
        k = k/2;

The sink algorithm movs down the heap until we reach a node with both children smaller(or equal,) or the bottom.

The function sink(int k) with Java

//the children of the node at position k in a heap are at positions 2k and 2k+1
private void sink(int k){
    while(2*k <= N){
        int j = 2*k;                    //the children of the node
        if (j < N && less(j, j+1)) j++; //find the smaller children
        if (!less(k, j)) break;
        exch(k, j);                     //swap the node with the smaller children
        k = j;

The insert algorithm requires no more than 1 + lgN compares, which involving moving along a path between the root and the bottom of the heap whose number of links is no more than lgN.

The function insert(key x)

public void insert(Key x){
    pq[++N] = x;
    swim(N);     //swim up through the heap


The heap algorithms require no more than 2lgN compares for remove the maximum; The operation involves moving the heap path no more than lgN, and it requires two compares for each node on the path (except at the bottom): one to find the child with larger key, the other to decide whether that child needs to be promoted.

The function delMax()

public Key delMax(){
    Key max = pq[1]; //the largest key off the top
    exch(1, N--);    //exchange the last one with root
    sink(1);         //sink sown through the heap
    pq[N+1] = null;  //to avoid loitering and help with garbage collection

    return max;

Performance Analysis:

For typical applications that require a large number of intermixed insert and remove the maximum/min operations in a large priority queue, the elementary implementations using an ordered array or an unordered array require linear time for one of the operations, a heap-based implementation provides a guarantee that both operations complete in logarithmic time.