- 礼貌,见面也是微笑
- 做一个“主动型“的帮助别人的人,主动关心人,关注别人的需要; 从行动上的实质性回报; 比如 举手之劳,照顾到别人的小需要。
- “辨别说谎的,对付耍混的,用魅力征服其他人”
- 主动帮别人,然后看看谁对你最好,然后你再对她好,良好互动
“XXX, I know it might be a difficult day for you, and I really wanna do something for you if it helps. You have always been very very kind to me, like you are the first person to talk to me when I first came here.
I was always an introvert, and on top of that, I was raised to be very reserved. So maybe I appear to be not compassionate enough. But deep down inside, I am really grateful for what you did, and I am really eager to do something for you in return. Please do let me know if there is anything I can do for you. "