Ask first
- so that the person can be mentally prepared for it ahead of time
- "Would you like to hear a suggestion?"
"Do u mind if I give you feedback?"
or start off by asking them "How do u think it went? what do u think was good, what could we improve"
compliment + criticism + compliment
- "The work you ... good; " + "However, ..., it might be better"
be timely
- feedback is more effective when it is at the time of the event
- If too much time has elasped, use judgement
Make it about the task, not the person
- like "Adding headers to the email would make it easier to read"
Give suggestions on how to improve
- tell them how - give them examples and ideas on how to make something better
- more actionable
Provide a personal example
- easier to receive is to make the recipient feel like they are not the only one making the mistake
- "I learned this the hard way" or "I used to do the same thing"
provide people the "why" behind your suggestions
Allow the person to defend/vent/explain
- the receiving party may react by defending or justifying their approach
- if that, just listen and allow them to say their piece
- more ofthen than not they will still make the changes, but knowing that you heard their side of things will make them feel better
把事情的前因后果说清楚, 同时明确告知需要执行的事项