- relax and be confident
refocus on making yourself more attractive
rather than forcing a certain person to like you
- develop yourself talents, interests, and good nature
respect her thoughts/feelings/interests
if she decides she doesn't want to date you, don't take it personally. Use it as a learning experience, and move on
smile and talking slowly
be a good friend
asking her out on a date in a group
- usd the general conversation to develop a closer relationship based on common interests or shared goals
- be patient
- make it clear you just wanna hang out - don't talk about relationships or ask her to be your girlfriend
- organize a picnic or go to a dinner and a movie with a couple friends
- take the lead in deciding what you will do and where you will go on the date
- do your homework - ask her if she has any food preferences, make reservations if necessary
- focus on good topics such as the news, family, travel, or your thoughts on love and what makes a good relationship
being a better friend to both her and her friends
- pay attention to what her and her friends say
- give her your fill attention
- make eye-contact when you talk
- show you are kind, caring and committed
tease and joke one each other
- give her a light shove or nudge on the back or arm
- facial expressions or a smile
try to flirt with her
- make eye contact, smiling, and then quickly looking away
- compliment her or act like gentleman by holding doors, offering to buy her coffee, or carrying her books
- if you are comfortable around each other,
try brushing hair off her face, give her a hug, or sit next to her. If she is interested in you, she will start flirting back
consider giving her some space, if your relationship has stalled
- hold back some of your feelings, maintain a sense of mystery
- give her some space. Your absence may lead her to realize how much she actually cares for you
- start talking to other girls
consider keeping things casual
- if you two are afraid or nervous of commitment
- the relationship with Ivy is Over
- too fast
- you don't have the ability to deal with this kind of relationship
- try to learn GOD
care her
- make it very clear, make her feel that you cares
- make her feel special because she is
- bring her flowers, suggest a romantic evening out, spoil her on her birthday
- fix her the favorite drink, give her a little gift, pay her compliments
- ask her how she is, and listen to what she says, be interested
love her
- you like her, and you enjoy her company
- she makes you laugh or she listens when you're upset
- she shares your interests
- because she make you feel good about yourself
- if she loves you for who you are, she won't try to change you,
but will help you to feel stronger and more confident and secure as a person
- to have greater self-esteem
- don't lie, trust her
don't play games, being straight with her
- let them know honestly how you feel, and what's important to you
- sit them down, and explain that even though they don't feel ready,
and why you'd like them to reconsider
listen to the warning voices in your head -> avoid setting up an unhealthy power balance in the first place
- you need and deserve someone who loves you back for who you are,
not for who you're pretending or trying to be -> feel bad but great for holding on to your pride
try to be closer
- body closer or mind closer
I wanted a family
- women want to feel wanted, not needed
- reward with emotional reactions and attention
- fuel the love by being mysterious, spontaneous and not too available
Connect with her on a deeper level - get her talking
ask open-ended questions - emotional topics
her experiences
- "where is your favorite place you've traveled?"
- "how did it feel when you did X?"
- "what was it like to do X?"
her dreams - really wanna do with her life
- "what's something you've always wanted to do?"
- "how would it feel to do that"
what she loves to do
- "what kind of activities get you excited?"
- "how do u feel when you do X"
her passions
- "what makes you passionate about X"
- "how do u feel when you're following the passion"
her motivations - why does she wana
- "what made you do that?"
- "now that you're doing X, how do u feel about it?"
"what do u like about it?"
- "what was it like growing up there"
- "do u have any dream?"
listening and relating
- actively listen to her, and relate back to her responses
- provide some sort of feedback, even if repeating back what she said
- "awesome. tell me, what made you want to live there"
focus the conversation on her
- the more she talks about herself, the more connected she'll feel to you
Bait her
intriguing statements
- "I'm a bit of a chef, but during the day I analyze businesses "
- "I love learning and improving. i feel like if you 're not feeling a little
stupid some of the time, you're not really living"
the open loop
- "spain is one of my favorite countries. what did u think about the culture?"
make some intriguing statements, tell a few pointed stories, and let the conversation flow
- talking about yourself briefly, turn the conversation back over to her
- "have you ever tried it?"
- "where have you traveled to?"
- "do you like ...? Maybe I'll take you to one some time"
Communicate with intent
listen more
- 帮助对方说出心中的情绪和情绪的来由
- 简单 复述 对方的内容
- 澄清: 用问题去展开话题和探索
- 总结: 反映对方谈话的几个重点
- 自我披露: 分享你的想法,感受和类似经历
- 帮助对方 识别落差,逃避心态和扭曲的想法
be her emotional support
- encourage her to tell you the things she cares about
and the things she is going through
- "so how have you really been lately?"
- she has done well and all the ways things are going to be okay.
- women want empathy when expressing a problem
- empathy - try to understand why it make sense for them
even if it doesn't make sense for you
know the type of things that women value
- finding commonalities with her that you're interested in
- nice food
find out her 'love language' - quality time?
- ask her what makes her feel loved
- think about what she says makes she feel loved
- consult it when you are trying to decide what to do for her
good emotions, good experiences, and happiness
appreciate her in the things she does, and compliment her
- tell her the little things you find sexy or cute about her
- "I think your sense of direction is sexy"
- write a little note of thanks for her and put it in her bag
- send a text message to tell her how much you appreciate what she did
with a picture of you looking silly and happy
know her unconscious mind -> how she behaves in her life
her emotional state -> how she views the world and how she will behave
she has a deep need to feel important -> boost her ego
- a woman values her ego and attention
confidence, and self-image of high worth
- self-respect
- having standards
- will to walk away
- be able to set clear boundaries
- stand up for yourself
- being assertive
- having competence in skills valued in society
she is a christ
+ helpful, kind, cheerful
understand what a woman value
+ then give them specific value
+ become a valuable emotional commodity in her life
understand her emotions and ego
- understand the situation, her intention, and perspective
hiking with Ivy
- yes, i like her, she is smart and sensitive
- her living place, her job
- seems that she feels a bit insecurity, <- be more warm and open
- her body
- I should explain that I thought to put work before marry before, now I change my mind
- I wanna a family
- I am loyalty
- Find her favorite topics, activities, ...
- Find her core values
- respect her thinking
- honest
- find out her cares and issues?
note with Ivy - a lawer, grown-up in HK, educated in UK
her ego, and character <- words reveal this
the type of things she values <- be a giver of value
- good emotions with you
- the environment, the situation, key signals
- good experiences
- happiness
her belief system <- the reasons the motivated the actions
- her unconscious mind, and her emotional state
- christ?
- families
- loyalty
- nice
- a woman will behave according to the world how she feels like not painful reality
- families
- chinese food
- have a cat, like dogs
- art
improve myself <- women are attached to personality and status
- I am "Valuable Asset"; I am the great catch
self-image, how you view yourself
- self-respect, having standards, willing to walk away
- set clear boundaries
- being assertive, having competence in skills valued in society
leading, and be dominant in interactions
create an immediate feedback loop
- read the woman, read the situation, and make moves that make sense in the context*
- read her signals - body-languages, facial expressions, tones,
and refine you strategy towards her
- double down on behaviors or what's working
build connections with her, her emotions, and the way she feels
- something she is passionate about
- what she likes or dislikes about her job
- a place she's traveled to - and how she felt about it
- something she's excited about
- what her aspirations are
who she is as a person
what she finds valuable
- give her that specific form of value
- understand the true meaning, her intention, and her perspective of the true meaning
what turns her on from the signals
- whether she is or not sexually open
- Don't take the role of savior, unless you're married to her and benefit in a long term relationship
- it's not your responsibility to save her from herself
show her that you've got plenty of that in your life
- identify the feeling that is valuable to her
- identify specific words
- specific body-language <- mirror and match
- speak her language
how you make her feel <- mirror <- she feels what you feel
cater to her emotion when interacting with and attracting her
- women care more about the way you make them feel than your 'stats" and accomplishments
focus on appreciating her inner and outer beauty
- what do u like about her?
- is her rhythm sexy?
- do her eyes captivate you?
- does she make you laugh?
- is her smile contagious?
- this brings a smile to my face and leads me to make strong eye contact
- if the man loves women, She can sense he has no ulterior motive, he enjoys the moment, understands her, and appreciates her beauty
and she is more comfortable moving things further with this man
overflow positive emotions, joy, high energy
- uplift her mood
- express yourself freely and fully
- take on intriguing hobbies, and develop an interesting identity
be a leader, start owning it (no sorry)
- communicate boundaries clearly
- being proactive, being aggressive in executing goals, folling the actions
keep advancing the interaction towards sex
- social space -> close space
- touching a woman in an intimate matter is the fastest way to test
- touch her body, and physical close to her
- handhold
- kiss
- sex
- Womanese 101 how to talk and flirt with women
Focus on Having fun youself, what does it matter if she rejects me or not?
- Doesn't care and focus on your feelings, you have fun yourself
- Don't make things fun for the woman and fails
- wonder what FUN I can have with her
- wonder what NEW THINGS I'll learn about women from her
- wonder what happens if I try this strategy on her
Men are as free as a bird,
Girls want to seize that bird and toss it in a cate (committment)
Do not apologize for his testosterone, for his desires
Try to always win in what he does
- has deep convictions that allows him to be a possible leader
Never feels he has to prove himself to anyone
- Let her prove herself to you
- you will advance in your career, your social life, and even your dealings with women
use shyness as an advantage, Think of yourself as a prince
- give her a general anaswer and turn the conversation back on her
- take something she said that you agree with,
paraphrase it in your own words, and feed it back to her
Casual dating
PASSION in life about something.
the passion that transforms his life, gives hime confidence, and gives him joy.
the PASSION will give you that right mindset for you have goals and dreams
Try to always win in what he does
- has deep convictions that allows him to be a possible leader
- good body
- very focused, intelligent eyes
- relaxed, but tidy wardrobe
- deterministic and level-headed
- learn from the mistakes
- humor, artistic
- offers the girls a chair, opens doors ...
积极, 正面的回应
尊重和确认的力量 - 对伴侣观点的关心和尊重
- 在精确表述上表现很糟糕, 如果抱怨某事,同时谈及几个问题
彼此倾听方面表现糟糕, 很少耐心自习思索伴侣所说的话
尽可能清楚明白, 详细具体地指出惹恼我们的特定行为, 应该专指某一特定事件, 不涉及普遍性
- 用第一人称明确说明自己的感受 “当你在x情景下做x的时候,我感到”
- 复述和向对方检验自己的知觉, 积极主动地努力理解自己的伴侣
- 越付出, 对方会看到, 在更信任的情况下, 对方也会更付出
- 互动, 互相付出, 经历到爱
- 多一些反问:“在这段关系中,你寻求的是什么,这个人是否给了你需要的。”
- let you feel like a better version of yourself, if you feel bad about yourself, it is not a good relationship
让她感受到 真诚与自在, 互相之间会给对方很多空间
当平等的人互相吸引, 欣赏, 尊重和理解
What women expect of men
自信诚实的做自己, 鼓励对方真实地表达自我, 在意对方的感受
- “你开心吗?”
- “你需要什么我可以做的吗?”
- “你需要我的帮助吗?”
- “你想要听听我的意见吗?”
- emotional connection, it's a willingness from both sides to support each other emotionally and to understand
中国男 缺乏界限感, 礼貌和同理心, 显得鲁莽, 自大又自我中心
- 美国男 紧张 自己会不会太鲁莽, 给对方不好的体验, 而不是紧张对方怎么看自己
a strong woman is a loyal hitter that's ride or die
现实问题, 她有疑虑, 给她回馈
- 对这个感情 的 坚定, 信心和自信
- 自己要承担责任
- 而不是仅仅说开心就好
record the love with Ivy
- enough confidences with Ivy?
be afraid to lose myself
- just be true of yourself, she love the person you are, not the achievements
just be everything you truly are
She will love you for the person you are if you can do the same for her
- all she wants is for both of you to be equals in the relationship
experience her emotions
- listen to her
- always respect her opinion
- do nice things for her
- compliment her
express self
love through your behavior
love through romantic gestures
express your love in public
- needn't care the others
others will help and encourage you, they are happier with you
- kindness, honesty, empathy
- like directness, openness
- enjoy positive vibes
- 如果不一致就想办法协调而不会甩锅给“你不懂我和你故意的”
特别客气,对感谢有极高程度的痴迷,小到移步错身,或者陪他去医院,都会非常感谢,做每顿饭后都会说非常感谢好吃极了,每件事 每顿饭都是赞美感谢
- 一天晚上特别跑回来抱住我说,有些事情最多了就变成了平常普通事,你做饭我从来都没觉得是一件普通的事,
- 感谢你给我做的每顿饭,谢谢你给我了温暖的家
- 他会静静听我嚷嚷完, 说下自己的感受然后说我知道你现在情绪不好,你说的话不是你真的意思,等你冷静我们在说
- 在一起六年多,没有大声说话,更没有吼过或者发火,跟以前我原生家庭简直大不同
- 付钱的人心甘情愿并不是绑架别人要达到什么目的。
- 圣诞节跟老公有了些争执,婆婆就默默退出去,让我们自己聊,还说圣诞节是吵架的好时节。
制造机会 - 牵手, 拥抱
- 让她笑
触碰 -> 牵手 -> 拥抱 -> 亲吻 -> 爱抚 -> 推到
当都很开心的时候, 适当升级, 让你们的关系上一个台阶
默许升级,可以考虑下一步升高肢体接触; 如果明显拒绝抵抗, 暂时不要轻举妄动
升级时行为要显得自然随性, 比如人流中牵手, 上台阶牵手; 转头间接吻
- 礼物
- 围巾
- 永远要态度最好,
- 温暖,有爱,容忍, 把最好的一面留给他们。
- “今日我真是好开心啊”
“我有事想同你讲” “我钟意你”
"我钟意你, 我得可不可以一起"
- ”有件事,想同你讲“
- “好特别”
- "怎么了"
- “没事了”
- "腼腆真诚的笑"
- “我見到你特別好, 見到你笑我就會笑“
- "其實我還是挺掛住你**
香水礼物 - 介绍礼物
“像我这种特质, 有救吗?”
- “有让你开心吗?”
the art of love
在把你的伴侣当成配偶之前,先把对方当成最好的朋友; 这样,积极的看法就会压倒消极的看法。
對婚姻的認識,凱勒牧師(Rev Tim Keller)建議:
Construction of meaning
兩人面对困难和挑戰时,一起创造一个新的意義。兩人成为最好的 partner 一起面对人生大大小小的问題和困难。多棒呀!
保留自己完整性和独立性的条件下, 与他人结合
他应该把内心有生命力的东西给予别人 - connection -
- 他应该同别人分享他的欢乐, 兴趣, 理解力, 知识, 幽默, 悲伤
- 通过给, 他提高自己生命感的同时, 也提高了对方的生命感
- 而双方都会因为唤醒了内心的某种生命力而充满快乐
- 如果你在爱别人, 但却没有唤起他人的爱, 也就是不能把自己变成一个被人爱的人, 是一种不幸
给的人不应该把对方看作是他帮助的对象, 而应该同对方建立一种真正的, 创造性的紧密关系
- 对生命以及我们所爱之物成长的积极的关心
- 为所爱之物而劳动
- 被我爱的人应该以他自己的方式和为了自己去成长,发展, 而不是服务于我
- 如果我爱他, 应该感到和他一致,而且接受他本来的面目,而不是要求他成为我希望的样子
- 只有当我自己达到独立,在没有外援的情况下独立地走自己的路, 既不想去控制和利用对方,尊重才有可能
- 从关怀的角度去了解对方
- 只有用他人的眼光看待他人, 才能了解对方
- 体验同人的结合
- 真正的爱是内在创造了的表现, 包括关怀,尊重, 责任心和了解
- 积极追求被爱人的发展和幸福
- 集中地听别人讲话的能力
- 完全地现时现地生活,而不是干这事想那事
- 学会亲近对方并向对方开放, 而不是互相回避
- 对自己保持清醒
- 觉察内心的活动,为什么害怕,消沉或迷惑不解, 而不是用各种方法为自己辩护
- 这种人体验到的现实只是内心世界的象征, 只有对他们有利或威胁的事物才有意义
- 克服自恋, 就是建立客观性, 对人和事物抱有开放的态度,能实事求是地看待事物
- 因该努力去认识一个被我的自恋歪曲了的人的形象同这个人的实际面目 ,
- 合理的信仰扎根于自己思想或感情体验的一种坚定的信念
- 合理的信仰不是信仰什么东西,而是一种确认, 这种确认是符合建筑在自己真实经历上的坚定的信念
- 信仰是全部人格的一个性格特点,而不是同某些被看作为对的思想内容有关的东西
- 合理的信念是以自己的经历,对自己的思想,观察和判断力的坚信不疑为基础的, 合理的信仰是产生一种独立的信念,相信自己创造性的观察和思考
- 相信一个人意味着了解这个人基本态度的可靠性和稳定性,了解这个人的核心, 也就是基本动机
- 爱一个人就要表现出自己,而不期待回报, 但相信自己的爱一定会唤起对方的爱
- 我们相信自己,他人和人类不断发展的可能性,我们对自己的觉悟和成熟体验越深,我们的信仰程度就越高
- 对所爱之人就抱有积极的态度
love - 一个合适的人回让你看到和得到全世界
- 有合二为一的冲动 -> soulmate
- 让人舒服平和
- 对自己好
- 开朗大方
- 独立 + 善解人意(体谅)
- 迷人 - 有气质 - 有魅力
- 聪明 - 只有聪明人才会欣赏聪明人
- 可塑性 - open-minded
价值观 - 家教:真善美 - 10%
- 人生观 - 5%
- 一个追求成功,一个追求有趣?
- 最佳是两个都重视宽容与多元
消费观 - 钱怎么用才算值 - 5%
职业观 - 敬业/认真 - 5%
- 大方 - 30%
- 机智有趣棋逢对手
- 有文化/见识 - 10%
- 开朗活波
- 有活力 - 5%
- 善良 - 5%
- 女人味 - 5%
- 胡搅蛮缠,任性, 刻薄 - -50%
- 不成熟 - 30%
喜欢攀比 - -40%
自卑+自大 -40%
love -> 亲密关系中真正能让彼此幸福的特质,以及相处的品质
- 先让自己变得成熟一点, 弄清楚我是谁,我适合什么样的配偶
- 爱的一致 - 恋爱的时候双方爱的程度差不多,对感情的未来走向有着比较一致的预期
- 花时间一起并且能够坦诚地聊他们感情的情侣,对自己的感情,对未来的发展形成比较一致的判断和体验
- 花时间和伴侣交流,诉说自己比较个人化的需求
- 有牢固友谊的人 - 能够和那些与我们能够互相帮助,沟通,理解的人建立密切的朋友关系
- 一段好的感情,會讓你為了給對方更多的愛,努力讓自己成為更好的人
- love is passion, obsession
- 找到一个让你疯狂着迷的人他也同样爱你
- 生活丰富多彩
Ms. Right
from friend to lover
- 从友谊开始便开始时便问一下,与对方是否“合适”,从而进一步发展
- 舒服
- 遇到压力时候, 是否行动一致
- 对婚姻和感情的期望 -> 明白感情不会一帆风顺,同时对感情用心经营
love -> 亲密关系中真正能让彼此幸福的特质,以及相处的品质
方法 - 以别人想要的方式追她对她好
+ 一段好的关系,是要克制自己的意愿,然后尽量接近和了解对方,给对方想要的爱
- 先起名字
- 愿意把自己的心愿说出来
- 觉得对方也喜欢你 - “我对你有好感”
- 找表现机会
- “让她记住我”
- “嗯,可以吗?”
- 动物园
想知道对方是否在乎自己? - 想看到态度
心里不爽 - 说明有些在乎对方
做家常的事情 - 买菜,杀价
+ 时刻了解对方的真实想法,看自己是否达到
- 希望得到反馈
- 除了玩, 需要知道对方是否对我有意思, 或者是有任何感觉什么的
- “你觉得有否改变吗?”
- 做完了,“看自己是否达到”
- 可以讓對方可靠自己,在她身边,完成这个困难
- “为我紧张”
- "这感觉觉得怎么样"
- 表达我对她的想法
下次勇敢点, 不试怎么知道行不行
你有没有试过喜欢一个不喜欢你的人,不会和你在一起,令你不开心的人? 如果你有试过的人,那你就会知道,你喜欢一个怎么样的人,根本没得选择
你喜欢就和他在一起了, 为何不尝试开始
- ”有没有不开心“
- “让她记住我” - 第一次, 让对方印象深刻
- "默默的问你, 你想要干嘛"
- “有事想问我嘛?”
- “就算见不到你,我一样很想念你”
- “一聽到你的電話就精神了”
- "有一件事我想和你谈谈"
- “那我们现在算是什么关系”
- "不想让你那么辛苦,如果你想帮手,我都尽量想满足你"
- "我都想你们好"
- "昨晚打给你电话,没打扰到你吧"
- "你以后可以叫我来陪你"
- “但我一见到你,就想见到你笑,好想见到你笑多点”
- “就像现在这样,有什么不开心都消失了”
- “我还有个愿望,我想同你订婚”
- "这么棒,那真的值得庆祝"
- “我想你给个机会给我,我是认真的”
- “你喜欢我什么了” - “不要紧的”
- “你平时的时间都做什么”
- 溜冰, 打羽毛球, 行山, 酒吧, meetup
- 踩单车, 公园 , 做游戏, 照相
- 用心
- 让女生感到舒服,开心
- 挺细心,挺会照顾人的
- 有默契
- 照顾女生情绪
- 让女生放松, 不要让对方有压力
- 要细心,自然
- 不那么用力,反而更能够展现自己,对方更能够了解你
- 拉近和对方的距离
- 看对方是不是在乎自己
- 在意你说的话
- 没有人对你做过
- 希望给对方一个什么 感觉
- 有麻烦要身边最亲近的人帮忙,而不是朋友
- 回去反思了,认真的想这件事
~~Lai Jingli ~~
- 有爱的感觉, 但是自己做的不够
~~LIU Jingjing ~~
~~ZHOU Jingying ~~
- 眼神里面给我的很强烈的诚意
- 这个也让我认识到 阶层的重要性, 自己可能不适合上层阶层, 但会受到 英美归国人员的 喜欢