notes-on-thrivers self-confidence - an outcome of doing well understand, value, and apply the Core Assets -> happier, and more resilient find & nurture your strengths personality features friendliness open-minded reliable character traits kindness grit patience guileless / honest 倔强 alents and gifts enjoy the beauty logical thinking 社会学 TOCHECK "哪一類事情自己輕而易舉" TO improve poss power and money being better than others 让自己在乎的人 感觉到 自己很在意她 表达 商业思维 利益为先 具体的经验 how, not why know how to filter out friends compensate for the weaknesses language Empathy - think "we", not "me" help us care about each other and help bring out the humanity in the best possible way build relationship satisfaction affective empathy - feel with another recognize and feel others' emotions read nonverbal cues in facial expressions, gestures, posture, and vocie tone happy, sad, stressed, scared, frustrated, and angry ask "How did that make you feel?" "are you anxious, worried, sad?" share feelings in a safe way "I'm frustrated with this book." "I'm irritable ..." create family connections "what was the best/hardest/most fun part of your day and why" listening fully look eye-to-eye or on the wall behind the speaker's head try to learn one common thing about the person or sth you have in common "we both like ... " "we had the same ..." label the feeling "you sound stressed" "you seem angry" " you look happy" "can I help", "I'm glad you told me" cognitive empathy - perspective taking step into her shoes, understand his view and take his perspective understand others' feelings, thoughts, and desires they can grasp others' needs behavioral empathy - act with compassion do something to help how to care console - "I'm sorry", "You didn't deserve that" assist - "Do u need help?" reassure - "I'm here for you" empathize - "I know how you feel" self-control - control their focus, impulses, and thoughts Focus on what matters Notice your thoughts "What your body feels like" "What your ears hear" "what is happening right now" recoginze "How am I feeling" -> "what's causing it" take a slow, deep breath -> calm down positive self-talk "I think I can" "I can get through this" "I don't like it, but I can handle it" "Stay calm. Carry on" Stop, Think, Act Right self-management healthy decision-making Integrity - be good people and do the right thing strong moral compasses know what's right, care about what's right, and do what's right this sets boundaries, resist temptations, and guide on how to act the right way it gives peace of mind when you do the right thing thus you are true to yourself and honest with others learn by example warmth, reasonable demands, and high responsiveness "You know our rules - I know you can do better." Curiosity reference [Thriver]