认识 - 聊一下觉得各方面都合得来, - 就会直接约出去玩, 只为了多一点时间相处,更加了解彼此
投其所好 - 最近 ..., 要不要一起用
- give number out first -
make the first move and ask - Simply ask them if they want to come grab a drink with you
- "I've loved talking to you, would you want to grab coffee some time?"
- "set a specific time and place - that's great, are you free on saturday or sunday morning aournd 13:00?"
- first date - bring to somewhere they like or feel comfortable - crowded restaurants, outdoor events, or small get-togethers
wanna know more,and finding out if you're good match, not impress her
- be yourself, because you wanna sometone to like you because of who you are
- face-to-face conversation
- get to know someone to check whether you enjoy her company
- feel free to share things about yourself
- ask about work "what do you enjoy about your job?" - families
- "Do u like to travel?" "what would be her dream career" "do u have a favorite memory?"
- make physical contact (shoulder touching, linking arms,) , holds strong eye contact, and smiles,
- physical touch - hand on her back while you're waiting in line for tickets, hold hands during a movie, perhaps giving a compliment or moving in close to face
Schedule more dates
- slow down and get to know each other naturally
- keep things casual to begin - go out for food, see a movie, go for a walk or meet for coffee 1-2 times a week
- plan an activity she's passionate about it <- ask her
- "Hey, I had a great time with you last night, thanks again for the awesome dinner. Let's get together again when you have some time"
build trust
- giving turst for it, share a small secret, or goal
- as you become more comfortable, you'll likely trust someone
communicate your expectations for the relationship
- after going on 3-5 dates, you need to talk about where things are headed
- introduce her to your friends -> deeper
- then throw in some romantic surprise
- sent her flowers at work, or planned a fun weekend trip, cooked inner
学会倾听 - 心灵导师
- 支持 - 眼神和动作上支持
- 情感支持 - 别着急责怪他们,也别急着给出自己的见解
- 明白对方真正想要的帮助是什么
- 冒险但不危险的气氛; 比如个人的反差性,比如 你本身会让人感觉到一些不安或难以琢磨,但相处下却发现你其实对她还不错
- 引导力: 创造能带她参与的有趣环境, 有机会体验一下不同的人生,学习不同的新知,开拓眼界,甚至好玩
环境造成的: 心跳加速的暗示
- 看你喜欢她的程度又多少
- 看你能不能反过来 克制她: 女人真正要的是一个不受她支配的男人
- 眼神中有自信,知道自己要的是什么; 对某些事情有原则,不因女生的在场而可以作修饰
- 一种发自内心的安全感,对自己很有安全感
- 学会不动声色地去关心对方
建立信任感,最重要的就是: 让对方觉得,我们是了解他的;又两个大方向: