[Updating] !notes on creativity and research

notes on research

notes on problem-solving skills

notes on critical thinking

notes on ideas

notes on taste

notes on research - creative, thoughtful original engineering research

social skills


Proposal <- 确定的问题 <- 确定的方向

problem solving <- 确定的思路 和 确定的方法

paper - 将结果转化成论文





paper review

Explain the following items first:

1: Why is the paper you read related to the topic we covered: e.g., related to language modeling, or related to common sense reasoning. (1pt)

2: What techniques did it use? e.g., deep learning, smoothing, etc. (1pt)

3: What data sets did it use to evaluate the models? e.g., WSJ, etc. (1pt)

Write a review with:

  1. Three strong points (explain why). (5pt)

  2. At least one weak point (Whether the techniques used are solid? Are there any drawbacks? Too many parameters to tune? Whether the compared baselines are strong baselines? Whether they tune the parameters for the baselines? Whether does the algorithm developed make sense? Are there any kinds of improvements? Are there any theoretical flaws/drawbacks?) (2pt)

  3. (Optional) Questions to me (what makes you confused or what you feel need to be clarified).
