Notes on philosophy, creative and practical thinking skills


How to think clearly

improve your ability to reason/think

Think rationally about the heart

Practical Thinking skills

Bruce Lee - who are you
JK Rowling - how to make life decisions <- a Fool creativity
Nick Vujicic - How to Love
De Bono - Six Thinking Hats to upgrade the creativity and collaborate with people effectively
De Bono - use Provocative Operation skills in Creativity application
Moser-Wellman's five-face creativity to upgrade the creativity

Positive Values - develop and upgrade your potentials and talents

Aristotle - be your best self for your ultimate good
Immanuel knat - treat others as you want to be treated for your rationality and moral duty
John Mill - Happiness in each parties for your personal and social happiness



从证实 到证伪

experienced or seen rather than theory



from plato, Aristotle, Descartes, to Gottfried Leibuiz

Bayesian vs frequentist
