Notes on philosophy, creative and practical thinking skills
How to think clearly
improve your ability to reason/think
"work on hard problems and talk to smart colleagues" by Paul Graham
work on hard problems till it's simple, then think about how I would coach my former self through it
- 表达和发挥你的兴趣
- 有趣味又有自己独立的主见,独立的思考的完整人
- 活着的一个重要目的 是 自由最大化
Fear is temporary. Regret is forever.
Think rationally about the heart
Listen to your heart/values, and train your mind to work in harmony with it
Make choices that best serve your values and that prioritize the ones that are most important to you
Think carefully and let your values play a big role in decision-making, but do so rationally
Identify your deepest values
- your family values - education, wealth, appearance
- what do u do for a living?
- how to spend your money on?
What comes from your heart
- the heart maybe based on things like your past/experiences, needs/how you feel, and the present/other people around you,choices
how to listen to your heart
- write what comes to you
- write or think without letting in the doubting voice
- "I have a feeling that ..."
- "My heart tells me that ..."
- find a quiet place where you can let your emotions and thoughts flow freely
listen to your heart, don't trust it automatically
Use your values within your rational thought process
Gain as much information as you can about choices
- what is the probable benefit of a decision? will it be something you'll ever regret? your rational mind and heart may be giving you conflicting thoughts and a decision, and you will need to seek out all possible detail and evaluate it
Identify problems: what might go wrong?
Explore options: think carefully about what's best for you
- your first intuition might be right. howerver, sometimes, your heart needs to be balanced with a rational decision
Consider the problem in terms of your highest values
- How do the possible solutions relate to your values
- make a map of your values - from most important to least - to see where they land in your personal hierarchy
listen to you heart
the heart is decidedly different -- softer and simpler
- in the mind, judgments and reactions are in control and you feel justified being judgemental and angry
shift your attention on the heart area and reconnect with feelings of care and appreciation or other heart qualities of self-compassion, compassion for others, forgiveness, appreciation and kindness, then be able to distinguish intuitive heart feelings from mental and emotional preferences
- shift your attention to the area of your heart and breather slowly and deeply
- activate and sustain a genuine feeling of appreciation or care for someone or something in your life
- radiate these feelings of care and appreciation toward yourself and others
- Notice how this extended radiation of care has affected your body, emotions and thinking
- you get your head in sync with your deeper heart intent
focus on your body, not your mind
- what does your body feel like right now?
pay attention to the feeling of the clothes on your skin, and try to ignore any thoughts that you're having
- experience physical sensations that are associated with emotions
Practical Thinking skills
Bruce Lee - who are you
JK Rowling - how to make life decisions <- a Fool creativity
Neve give up on the things you love
- become true to yourself
- only concentrate on matters truly important to you
Set yourself free from fear
- already been living through the worst times
- the freedom would empower one to face failure courageously
- see this as an opportunity to be a new start
gain new knowledge about yourself from her failure
you will never truly know yourself or the strength of your relationships until both have been tested by adversity
human beings are born with survival abilities to tackle unprecedented challenges by reorientations of their mindsets and optimizing abilities
- happiness is not about a checklist of personal acquisitions or external recognitions
- true personal happiness is about enlightened self-knowledge, self-confidence, integrity, and a sense of mission and responsibility
the humility to know that
- "Life is difficult and complicated and beyong anyone's total control and the humility to know that will enable you to survive its vicissitudes."
- never give up, and stand up again
- be humbled by the experience of being challenged by setbacks and failures, which she has successfully overcome
Nick Vujicic - How to Love
- gratitude leads to appreciate what you already have
- the attitude of action
- empathy with people
- forgiveness can set you free
- "I forgave all of those kids who mocked and teased me.
I forgave them to unburden myself of anger and resentment. I like myself"
nurture him with love, support and encouragement from his parents
self-love because his families's love
find your true purpose, and nurture your functional excellence
- "each of us has some gift - a talent, a skill, a craft, a knack - that gives us pleasure and engage us, and the path to our happiness often lies within that gift"
De Bono - Six Thinking Hats to upgrade the creativity and collaborate with people effectively
The White Hat presents pure facts
- report only the factual data related to the issues at hand
- do not take sides and avoid being affected by any emotion
The Red Hat expresses emotion
- express your emotions, intuition, gut feelings
Black Thinking Hat highlights cautions
- question all the ideas proposed
Yellow Thinking Hat suggests benefits
- the positive attitude motivates you to look for opportunities and solutions
- "This might work if we move the production plan"
Green Thinking Hat applies Creativity in provocative operation
- suggest growth and creative discoveries
- help to realize the ideas of the Yellow Thinking Hat
- answer the challenges of the Black Thinking Hat
Blue Hat masters Processes
- set the meeting agenda, draw conclusions and control the time
- "Let's summarize the points first"
De Bono - use Provocative Operation skills in Creativity application
Moser-Wellman's five-face creativity to upgrade the creativity
Seer - visualize the scenarios or ideas in his mind
- visually check and practise
Observer - notice the details
Alchemist - mix the knowledge from different domains and turn it into a new application
- analogical thinking in different user cases
- derive from the unusual association of unrelated elements
Fool - Celebrate it
- they would have the strong determination and persist
with perseverance
- the fool's inversion skill
- "so what ?"
- "what if I persevered?"
Sage - less is more and better
- "what simple solution could I create?"
- remove all unnecessary elements
- extract simple but inspiring morals from history
- practical wisdom can be generated from the knowledge of history
- turn history into inspiration and wisdom for solving the big problems of the world
Positive Values - develop and upgrade your potentials and talents
Aristotle's answer is that you should develop your talents for your ultimate good/happiness
From Kant, you should cultivate your talent for your rationality and moral duty
- Act only on the maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law
- you benefit from various sorts of contributions made by different talented people in society; by the categorical imperative, you should play your part and cultivate your talents, otherwise, it's unfair and morally wrong
From Mill, for your personal and social happiness
- you can taste your personal happiness through the cultivation of your creative imagination like the intellectual and moral dimensions
- when everyone fosters and contributes their talents, the outcome is more happiness in society
Aristotle - be your best self for your ultimate good
a successful life is a life of fullilled happiness
- cultivate your potentials and talents
happiness comes through achieving the best version of you
aiming at the functional excellence as a virtue according to the natural order
everything has its unique nature and function in the nature order
when an object fulfills the function of its kind to the highest level,
it achieves a sort of functional excellence
- strive for functional excellence would be the ultimate purpose or final end of the existence of anything in the universe
aim at the excellence you possess is indeed the very source of your long-term happiness - eudaimonia
only people with the genuine excellence would achieve happiness
- keep sharpening your existing strengths
- minimizing your weaknesses through learning and practice
- the doctrine of the golden mean can keep you honing your skills in order to achieve excellence
The Golden Mean - a balance between our rationality and our animal drives
do it just right
- do the right thing in the right way at the right time in the right place to the right person
- don't do too much, and don't do too little
use common senste to start with, then we learn through trial and error
- observe and learn from good examples, and being excellence takes practice
- don't be disappointed at your failures
- luck, good or bad, always plays its part
- take challenges as opportunities to cultivate your strengths and work on your weakness
live a life of continual improvement (learn from your mistakes)
deliberate before taking any action for a better and more appropriate result
evaluate and seek further ways of improvement after taking any action
repeat the appropriate action and turn it into our habit
Immanuel knat - treat others as you want to be treated for your rationality and moral duty
the importance of the Moral values - right and wrong
The moral law is categorical imperative
- thinking rationally is the only thing that tells us what is right and wrong
- not god, not other people, not our gut feelings
- the sophisticated reasoning skills direct us to make the right choices in life
how can we use reason to know what is right
Act only on "categorical imperative" - a universal law
- an unconditional commitment
- avoid beging affected by any personal concerns or self-interests
a genuinely morally good person only if he acted unconditionally
Treat others as you want to be treated as a goal
- being moral isn't easy, but it's not impossible, it's a matter of free choice
need to know the intention of the agent before you can make a fair moral judgment
how a moral life forms the core of a successful life
integrity and honesty - lying is always wrong
- because lying couldn't be universalized as a moral right for everyone
respect people as an individual - the humanity principle
- every human being has value in dignity
- do not use people only as a tool for you to gain something
- they are aleady complete - they are ends in themselves
respect your humanity
- recognize and respect whatever is included in your humanity
- cultivate your own talents
self-love and rational optimism
- respect the value of your own life
- more than a tool to help you avoid pain or obtain happiness
- have self-love by looking for solutions
- solutions are always there if you keep looking
John Mill - Happiness in each parties for your personal and social happiness
不要把假设和结论混为一谈; 搜集证据,印证假设到导出真正结论过程中的逻辑思考
认清现象和原因的不同; 很多都不是原因,而是现象(结果)
- 在许多个案中,真正的原因只有其中一个,而其他只是这个原因导致的现象
- 一直悔恨自己的人生,与固执于错误的假设是一样没有意义的
- 解决问题的能力,就是为印证假设不辞辛苦的行动力
- 给出的建议中,只要有一个就足够了
线性思考行不通; 科学的方法是问为什么,理由
- 真的是这样吗? 才是工作的开始,要听的是论点
- 一个问题有数百个变量,且随时间而变化,所以答案不唯一; 要准确做出判断几乎不可能 ,但是以科学的方法思考,则可做整体的控制
- 现在已进入像叶子不知会掉落何处的复杂体系中,几乎所有问题都没有答案
- 培养孩子养成动脑思考的习惯,让孩子对无解的问题设法提出假设,并不厌其烦努力证明自己的假设是否正确
世界上许多问题本来就没有答案; 那些忠于自己,能够找出属于自己的答案的人,其生命力比起已经习惯别人给出答案的人,一定更为强韧
- 就算没有答案,也会自己提出假设,反复求证,直到找出答案; 不管碰到任何困难,都勇于接受挑战,坚持到底,才是教育的根本
- 思考方式,重视的是如何才能导出结论,而不是有没有知识
- 以假设前提进行回答,有前提就有结论的思考模式; 对问题的前提先做个明确的假设,若前提错误,可以改变前提再回答
- 训练自己常保持好奇心,和别人接触的机会增长见识
- 做一些可以让自己生存下去的投资,请问你成长了多少
- 最伤脑筋的是做什么事都半途而废的人
- 碰到自己没有遇到过的问题时,尝试解决
- 常常提出质疑,然后找出问题的解决方法
从证实 到证伪
科学 - 可证伪性
sicence needs to fail
- To move forward, science needs to fail, which runs counter to our human desire for certainty
rahter than give up, we struggle along a scale of process.
The journey to understand more about the mysteries of the world and explain them with reason is the core of our nature
Science isn’t something to believe in, nor is it an absolute.
It’s a cyclic process of evaluating and changing your mind based on new, better evidence and data
experienced or seen rather than theory
演化的保守主义 - 相信普通人的常识和习惯
内在世界 创造 外在世界
mind create reality
我认为看到的世界 或 我认为看到的困境
- 困境跟我們如何去感知这个困境有直接关系; 它不是客观存在的,只不过是你认为而已
- 走出困境一个很重要的一点 是 要有一个不同的眼光 去看这个困境
- 比如 他们不知道我的需求是什么, 我没有表达我的需求
- "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it" - Albert Einstein
when you communicate with another person, you're exploring the depths of your own consciousness
from plato, Aristotle, Descartes, to Gottfried Leibuiz
Bayesian vs frequentist