- i: 衣; eat, 展唇(stretch your lips back more - smile),舌头高,舌前
- i, i:
- i
- /i:/ -> the tongue stretches up more towards the roof of the mouth. - open mouth widely
/i/ -> the tongue is bit more relaxed, the jaw does drop a little bit more - don't open mouth widely not stretched into a smile
æ: 嘴巴开口大(舌头低), 舌头最高位位前,唇展开
sit sleep spell shade
/e/ -> lips = slightly open, mostly relaxed, tongue = bottom of mouth
/æ/ -> open your mouth; lips = a little tighter, tongue = bottom of mouth
/ə/ tomatoes , letter, onion, question
- /ər/ - 卷舌, waiter, doctor, reporter
- movie
- /a:/ /ʌ/ 嘴张比 æ 大, 稍微比 ʌ 圆唇 -> a, ʌ
- /ɔ/, 圆唇
- u:, u
- make the lips a bit tight and forward
- ʊ
- The back of the tongue lifts towards the back of the roof of the mouth.The front of the tongue remains down, but it might be pulled slightly back .
- foot,took, cook, shook, stood, good, look, book,wool, swoosh
- wood
- u:, u