Build my professional career notes TODO involve a open source project Great ideas notes building something enduring and whether it has the potential to reward me optimally I want to read the rulebook and find my own optimization. I don’t want to know the established strategies. “小而美”的组织结构,对应的是“零工经济” (~10个人) 个体对传统层级型企业的人身依附越来越小 on a relative basis, opportunity is more abundant than ever. Technology and the rise of globalization have played a vital role in that. reference MODERN MEDITATIONS Strategies on career 从执行层面,到战术层面,再到战略层面的过程 执行层的工作经验达到一个临界点后,所带来的价值增量就开始衰减, 无法抵消年龄增长所带来的劣势,还有技术发展取代人力的趋势威胁 an exciting & meaningful mission to help channelize energy & thoughts build a purpose identify a clear mission, and head toward it let the mission channelize all your inward, latent energy plan B 尽量丰富自己的选择,不要“把所有鸡蛋放在一个篮子里”,无论是生活方式,思考方式,工作方式,职业生涯,还是资产配置 build business - do more - action > theory build a business you learn how things really work by doing them. experiment with the reality engage in stimulating conversations don't just read about financial markerts, business, science, philosophy if anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart survival of the fittest, not the strongest 要想 “适应这个群体吗?”, “在这个群体中是什么角色?”, 而不是 “我要比人强” 做事情, 要思考是不是适应, 而不是完全和别人拼强弱 发现一个自己的生态位, 找到自己在生态中的位置 master some skill, interest, or knowledge that others find valuable once you master it, you'll be rewarded with new opportunities don't try to find your passion Always choose the more difficult path: it leads to the easier life. courage, social skills, friendships 求同存异 - 共赢 + 不失原则的妥协 共同的,不同的和处于中间带的观点 Don't fight to win all the battles, you just need win the war > - 不需要赢得每场战斗,而是要赢整个战争, 过程中的妥协不丢脸,赢在最后才是最重要的 关注事实胜过关注争吵,关心细节胜过关心策略 > - 怀疑的精神特别重要,就是尽量不要去人云亦云; 自己去看了,自己有所体会了,再下这样的论断 究竟做什么并不重要, 为什么要做这件事 以及 如何做这件事才是最重要的 > - why, and how is more important than what Nature and markets, not people, are more honest when it comes to giving feedback notes on your career -> ample income + providing satisfaction TIME I spend, and a high savings rate as the seeds of wealth is a requirement three Paths -> financially independent the high-income-producing, high-level leadership path -> senior executives of public corporations the self-employed, risk-taking, investing-in-my-business approach -> owners/managers of successful businesses the frugal, steady-as-she-goes journey Solution -> one matches between skills, abilities,characteristics and the environment/market understanding of our own strengths and weaknesses Recognize my strengths and creating goals as a starting point finding a career that makes full use of one's competencies like skills, abilities,characteristics if you love your job, if it provides you with the life-style and level of freedom you desire, then working is great learn what it's like to work so you can check the field was of interest to you whether survive in the type of environments/market whether like the work you are doing check what we liked and didn't like about work, what we are interested in and able to do Margin Required Money gives you the independence and options to choose generating multiple sources of revenue opportunities to expand revenue generation and a setup for a future career move or part-time career translate hobbies into income-producing activities pursue other interests that could lead to a new career or your own business the needs of the future customers "what do u need and what are your problems with current products?" reference Steps of Problem Solving During Technical Interview CS 9: Problem-Solving for the CS Technical Interview