slow down your speaking speed
- select your words carefully
give yourself time to think
- relax
- "that's a good question. Let me think for a moment"
- "I haven't thought about it beofre ... "
- "Well ... I suppose ... "
- "well, during the day ..."
- "In the meantime why don't we ..."
- "It's been a long time since ... "
- "Sorry to trouble you ... but ... "
- "would you mind if ..."
- "oh! come on" ...
- "I'm just kidding ... "
learn complete sentences
learn to listen
- listen what others are saying
practice asking questions
- "what are your views on that?"
- "How about you, what do you think?"
produce english by writing
how to negotiate
Making your position clear
- "I suggest starting small and scaling up later"
- "We're thinking of starting with around 500 units per SKU"
- "We'd prefer to keep things flexible to begin with"
asking questions - more information
- "what kind of volumes are we looking at?"
- "What's the situation regarding production and delivery?"
- "what do u have in mind exactly?"
- "And that would be per-month, or ...?"
Setting conditoins - suggest sometimes or possibilities
- "if ..., would you be able to go ..."
- "If we commit to a longer contract, can you offer us a better price?"
"If we agreed to ..., would that make the deal work for you?"
"Assuming that you need ..., we could offer ... "
- "Supposing you could commit to ..., we could go ..."
- "As long as there were some limitations on the delivery timing, I think that would be acceptable."
- "As long as" has opposite meaning, this means the limitations are necessary
Expressing disagreement - could direct
- "We won't be able to offer you the lower price. "
- "We can't offer our best prices without a regular commitment on your part"
"We're not willing to absorb those costs"
"I'll come right out and say that's not going to work for us"
- "There's no way around this"
"I'm sorry but I have to draw a line here"
"Shall we take 5 minitues break"
Introducing new ideas
- "I have a proposal which I hope can make this work for everyone. "
- "Here's my solution: "
- "I will make another offer "
Asking for new ideas
- "What's your idea?"
- "What would you suggest?"
Reacting to new ideas
- "That's a good offer"
- "I think this should be feasible."
Summarize what you agreed and outline next steps
- "Let's go through the main points: "
"Regarding delivery,"
"We still need to settle the exact details of "
"There's also the mattle of ... "
"We'll put this in writing"
- "We'll send you a provisional agreement"
- "We can work on getting a contract drawn up"
request - can, could, man, might
"Can I have .., please?"
decline - "That is a good idea. I would like to join in but I have another appointment today."
sorry - "I want to apologise." "I owe you an apology" "my mistake" "I want to apologise for my behavior / to someone" "I sincerely apologise" .. "I take full responsibly ..."