Observe and understand people
- 观察人,在当中寻找智慧,寻找门道
- 多读小说
- build good relationships
Self improvement
bible reading
- 减少内耗, and make good decisions
build a good habit
- 不要赖床 - 早睡早起, 要有目标感
- 多运动 - running, badminton, soccer?
learn new things
don't spend much time on politics
+ just know about it
Build families
Financial independence
build my business
- a self-sustainable side-project
- auto it, and don't put much effort on it
build an emergency fund
Career/community contributions
- 职业生涯的本质是 我要什么,而不是停留在“我会什么”
- 更职业的是 思维是 “我的”
所以我去寻找各种乐器,合作伙伴, 来完成“我的产品”