Weekly Review 2021-04-05 - 2021-04-11 connect with Ivy reading finish write a review finish begin doing exercise language improvement 2021-03-29 - 2021-04-04 didn't pass the driver test enroll the driver courses read SO GOOD the love phases arguring is good the same love language read language interesting to watch TV shows GOOD so glad to hear from Ivy, I like her indeedly my flower is blooming watch the movie enjoy every moment in life playing badmintorn is wonderful SELF it's good to build the connection with people DONE finish the chengdu ID card 2021-03-22 - 2021-03-28 2021-03-15 - 2021-03-21 professional skills design and build my blog the front-end other issues comment finish the typotype, the progress is all right until now enhance your programming skills try to begin the book python/js skills comment don't begin, the reason is that it's boring? based on project? build the connection with Ivy try to find commons with her comment read a blit blog, and NOT so good the reason is that Improve my lifestyle improve your habits read and comment NO, get up so late in this week practice your softskills practice my languages improve my english and cantonese japanese ? a bit 2021-03-08 - 2021-03-14 Done in this week pass the Insurance exam make the RA work done meetup a bit progress on building my blog some views from boss in CH TOIMPROVE love in the meetup 培养爱慕, 克服僵局 创造共同的意义 喜欢一个人就要喜欢这个人的全部,因为她是所有关系的总和 meetup in CPU people like others to agree with them find common ground on which to build something of mutual value habit get up too late (around 11:00pm), and sleep too late (around 12:00am) don't exercise don't sleep enought (11:30-7:30** insight 过好自己的小日子 先关心生活,先于政治 人活着,有更重要的事: 爱情,亲情,友情 中国社会真正的运行规则 是 “法家/道家“ 尊君权, 追求权力为中心 - 法家 是让别人的无私来成全自己的大欲 强权 哲学 和道家 犬儒哲学(虚无) 轮流称霸 - 假与恶互为因果 儒家 道德说教而 忽视了制度防范 - 国人内心 也无圣贤 投资 网上的投资建议 要谨慎 career 和人 交互的能力 找相关的老师来研究 Learn more about yourself