2015-07-06-weekly-summary 六月整体上比五月份状态要好些,但是还是有不少需要改进的空间 问题 作息: 希望作息规律一些; 晚上争取一点前睡觉,早上8:30前起床; 改掉赖床的习惯 锻炼: 有机会的话 每周打一小时的羽毛球 每周争取4天的跑步 读书: 加快读书的速度了,想象办法怎么提高读书的效率 语言 英语: 听说还是要多练; 每周4个TED,争取总结下,每天争取有机会听 广东话:争取下半年学会 和人打交道的能力 改善和老板的沟通 好好珍惜时间 一些觉得别人的总结: 去那些尊重你的洞察力以及构建产品能力的公司 Don't accept a job where you're told exactly what to build and how to build it, but appreciates your insights into the product as well as your ability to build it. People respect or value your insights. 自我推销 Letting people know when you've hit major milestones,or when you've learned something new. showing people the work that you're proud of . 关键是人 Work effectively with others, start being judeged on the way you interact with people. 对我来说,信任 how 我问道这个新职位的期望是什么;你需要对自己所向往的以及所关注的事情有一个比较成熟的认识。 毕竟,假如你能够花费时间在任何你想的事情上,你也应该独自对自己所创作的作品负责。 Act like you're in charge I never sat quietly in a meeting. I made sure I only went to meetings that needed me to participate