sell the skill as a service
- learn a skill
- sell the skill as a service
- build a business with the skill
- remove yourself from the business
- scale
employee value proposition
- benefits
- compensation
- careers
- well-being
- purpose
- hire key questions
- plan for the worst, hope for the best
CEO of a startup is to hire generalists to build and then hire specialists so scale
focus on developing and cultivating your plan, when you have your plan and you can feel it's right for you
- what others are doing won't matter
- comparison dies when your vision becomes clear
- concentrate your energy on what you're doing
Using creativity to solve problems cannot be taught, and it's ultimately what free markets pay for
- invest your creativity, skills and efforts into solving big problems and you will receive big rewards
- if the work doesn't require creativity, delegate it, automate it, or leave it
it's leveraged versus un-leveraged
- forget rich versus poor, white-collar versus blue
- code, media, capital, labor