Entrepreneurs tolerate uncertainty more than any other profession
self-taught, skilled, emotion-intelligent, in shape, energetic, focuses on internal control
- learning by doing > learning by asking for advice
不是 insight, 也不是 execution
I define it, although I respect you
愿意 出面担当,在不确定的项目中,冒着犯错的风险尝试
- 大多华裔,太怕犯错,不敢担责,不敢为人先,之在后面嘀咕
work with people I respect and like
- 只需要说服愿意去相信你和支持你的那一部分人即可,并和他们一起工作就可以;
- 把重心放在 证明你自己的能力和判断上;无须为别人的无知和傲慢负责